viernes, 9 de febrero de 2018


Se ha realizado trabajos dentro de las clases de inglés que aportamos:

In my opinion learning about the Holocaust is an important thing for everybody to study. Eventhough the subject is dark and depressing, it is necessary for us to learn from other mistakes made by others in history. People who were a part of the Holocaust need to share their stories to make it seem more personal to the others that didn´t experience it. Learning about the Holocaust is the key to present from happening again.
The day we went on a school-trip I thought it would be another story among many told, nothing that I didn´t know until that day. When the act began and I saw so many Jewish people there something moved me, we could appreciate the great union between those people and how they left as if they had experience Holocaust. In the moment when Noah Klieger began to speak, he made me imagine the scenes to live what he had lived, something that nobody had done yet. That man made me leave that place with another perspective.    

Alumna Macarena

The aim of this proposal is to present a plan to make aware the chilren of our High School about the The Nazi Holocaust. The holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sonsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regimeand it collaborators. The Word “holocaust” comes from Grece and it´s meaning is “sacrifice by fire”. The holoaus exterminate not only a lot of Jewishes but also homosexuals, gypsies, politicial opponents and a long list of other collectives because they were “different”.
I believe the population have to realise about the big problem that the Holocaust means,especially children because they have to learn that the violence is not a way for anything that you want to achieve. If wecan teach awareness children about not to use de violence, the world will be a pacific place to be in a near future.
I suggest that our children should be taught that the violence to different people will not solve anything. They have to learn that the holocaust had consequences nowadays too, there are not so terrible but for example bullying is a form of violence to different people and children have to known that nobody is better tan nobody and there are not reasons to hurt other person. High Schools should employ someone who comes at least for two sesions for  each school year to show children these values.

Children are vulnerable to external information and they should known that peace is always the correct way and all of us are identical. And if we could do something to improve our society we have to do it. 

Alumna Valentina
The day i went with muy schoolmates to a commemorative actividades for the victims of the Nazi Holocaust  , at the Assembly if Madrid . The Holocaust was the systematic , bureaucratic , state-sponsored persecution and murder of dic million jews by the nazi regime and it's collaborators . During the era of the Holocaust , german authorities also targeted other groups because of their perceived "racial inferiority ".Gypsies, the disabled and sometimes of the slavic peoples. Other groups were persecuted an politial , ideological and behavioral grounds, among them Communists , Socialists,Jehovah's witnesses .
In the act some  members of different groups gathered, those who during that regimewere persecuted as well as influential people among politcians.
The most curious of the act was to hear recite "el Mole Ragamin" by the great Rabbi of Spain and "Wiegala" , is a lullaby composed buenas llise Weber It said that on the way yo the gas chamber she was singing It to children .
The most emotional part of the act was to know about Noah Klieger, who was a survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp. I am very lucky to be able to listen to his story in first peson, about how he survived the Nazi horror as it was an unique opportunity.
 In my opinion, it is very important to organise  this kind of acts in order to raise awareness to the people and so this kind of crimes against humanity does not happen again. We have to teach in school a prejudice-free education capable of respecting the differences that exist within our society whether it be religion, skin color, political ideology, sexuality... We must be united against what oppresses us, and so we will be totally free.
Alumna Ainoha

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